Christian Marriage Articles
When Marriage Is Miles Away
When Marriage Is Miles Away

n On Long-Distance Dating nnnn People are pursuing marriage in more ways than ever before. With developments in technology and communication, dating is changing as well. The goals and principles for dating remain the same, but sometimes the players are farther part, meeting each other through websites, like eHarmony, or social media, like Facebook, or just through […]

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How to Destroy Your Marriage Before It Begins
How to Destroy Your Marriage Before It Begins

n Tim and Jess had only been married for eight months, but the honeymoon was most certainly over. The sweet conversations that once marked their relationship had been replaced with constant bickering. Their laughter had dulled, and their distance had grown. Their sexual intimacy had almost ceased. What went wrong? How had Satan slipped into […]

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Six Traits to Look for in a Spouse
Six Traits to Look for in a Spouse

n My wife returned home from the salon and told me about the single lady who had cut her hair. This young woman shared some of her frustrations with dating sites that are only about how people look. Swipe this way if you think the person is cute; swipe the other way if you don’t. nnnn […]

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The Single Man’s Journey to Sexual Happiness
The Single Man’s Journey to Sexual Happiness

n It was afternoon New Year’s Day and I was sitting in my room, sad and alone. I had met another girl, and I could already tell that pursuing her would lead to another failed relationship. The more I thought about my history, my shame, my brokenness, the more miserable I became. nnnn Then I […]

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When the Not-Yet Married Meet
When the Not-Yet Married Meet

n Dating to Display Jesus nnnn Dating is dead. nnnn So says the media. Girls, stop expecting guys to make any formal attempt at winning your affections. Don’t sit around waiting for a boy to make you a priority, communicate his intentions, or even call you on the phone. Exclusivity and intentionality are ancient rituals, […]

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What Young Black Women Need from Their Black Brothers—and the Church
What Young Black Women Need from Their Black Brothers—and the Church

What Young Black Women Need from Their Black Brothers—and the ChurchnAfrican American women still face significant challenges in their relationships with men.nnWhat Young Black Women Need from Their Black Brothers—and the ChurchnIn a recent episode of ABC’s dating show, The Bachelorette, Rachel Lindsay, the first black female to participate, broke down in tears. “The pressures […]

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Your Childhood Wounds May Be Hurting Your Marriage
Your Childhood Wounds May Be Hurting Your Marriage

My first engagement did not culminate in the wedding of my dreams. I was fearful, clingy, and manipulative. He was prone to relational claustrophobia, compelling him to demand “space”—which triggered more insecurity on my end. This dynamic caused us such pain and grief that he eventually ended the relationship. Though we weren’t able to articulate […]

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Your Spouse Should Not be Your ‘Best Friend’
Your Spouse Should Not be Your ‘Best Friend’

It’s always a bit strange when I find myself writing about marriage. As a longtime bachelor I’m completely out of my depth, and the stuff my married friends say can sound completely bizarre. You see, I’m often told spouses should have similar interests but that opposites attract, that men should show more initiative but let […]

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5 Things Every Couple Needs to do to Have a Strong Marriage
5 Things Every Couple Needs to do to Have a Strong Marriage

Like any healthy relationship, a good marriage requires work. No matter how compatible a couple may be or how in love they feel, there will be times when unforeseen challenges arise, and it’s then that the true foundation of a marriage is revealed.nnLizzy Christian shares in her article for Relevant “5 Things Every Healthy Married […]

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February 2025